Takeley Primary School

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Bennet Canfield, Little Canfield, Dunmow, Essex, CM61YE


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Takeley Primary School

Learning, achieving and enjoying together

  1. Our Curriculum


Our Curriculum

Welcome to our school curriculum area!

The purpose of our curriculum is our ethos: 'Learning, Achieving and Enjoying Together'.

We intend to have a project based approach to children's learning, so that children are better able to link their learning together for a real purpose. The project is divided into three phases;

1) Inspire and motivate; to capture children's imagination, curiosity and interest,
2) Learning specifics; skills, knowledge or understanding needed to support their project
3) Apply and Share; using what they have learnt for a real purpose and for a real audience

Naturally not all areas of the statutory national curriculum will fit together within their project and will be taught as discrete subjects to ensure children get their entitlement and meet the standards expected of them.


Copies of our long term plans are available under each year groups webpage. They break down the national curriculum objectives into a coherent progression that help sequence learning over the children's time at Takeley, helping to ensure all get their curriculum entitlement and leave us with knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes that have prepared them well for their next stage in education and can make a positive contribution to the society in which they live.


To help supplement the curriculum we pick and mix the best bits from a variety of schemes. In phonics much of the children's learning is supported by the 'Letters and Sounds' scheme. In reading for our reception children and Year 1 the 'Oxford Reading Tree' scheme is used to provide a progressive structure. In Year 2 the 'Usboune Young Reading Series' is used to further develop reading, with Collins 'Big Cat' being used for those children that need greater structure in Year 3. In years 4, 5 and 6 we have just introduced children and parents to the 'Scholastic Reading Pro' scheme which offers online access including e-books. This we aim to roll out across both key stage 1 and into year 3 to provide continuity and consistency across the school.


In Mathematics the 'White Rose' scheme is used to support progression and consistency across both key stage 1 and 2.


'Switched on Science' is used to supplement our own units of work in that subject across the school from years 1 through to year 6.


If you would like to know more about your child's curriculum please do not hesitate to ask their class teacher who will be able to answer your questions. 

School Curriculum Development Plan 2022 to 2025;

This is gives a broad overview of the key areas of the Curriculum that we aim to focus on to improve over the next 3 years. It is broken down into a) Intent; where we aim to focus on improving our planning b) Implementation; where we aim to improve the quality of teaching and c) Impact; where we aim to measure how we have improved.

School Curriculum Development Plan 2022-2023

This is gives a detailed overview of the key areas of the Curriculum that we aim to focus on to improve over the next year. It is broken down into a) Objective where we aim to focus on improving our planning b) Implementation; where we aim to improve the quality of teaching and c) Impact; where we aim to measure how we have improved.

National Curriculum

The Takeley Primary School Curriculum is based on the National Curriculum. Please click here for more information.


Please click here for Takeley Primary Schools Curriculum Policy