Takeley Primary School

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Bennet Canfield, Little Canfield, Dunmow, Essex, CM61YE


01279 870541

Takeley Primary School

Learning, achieving and enjoying together

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Subjects


Please find in this section information about each of the subjects within our school curriculum. For each National Curriculum Core and Foundation Subject this will include a Subject Statement along with a Knowledge and Skills Organiser that sets out progression and then a Subject Curriculum Map that then organises this by year group. Do please note that this section is continually being developed as we evaluate and review our curriculum; any missing information means that this is currently being reviewed. More details for each year group is covered in the relevant Year Group sub-section that can be accessed via the drop down window under the 'Our Curriculum' tab. Each subjects curriculum can be accessed either by clicking on the relevant SUBJECT and its embedded link below, or via 'Our Curriculum' drop down window.

Core Subjects:

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Foundation Subjects:

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Non-National Curriculum Subjects:

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