Our Vision:
‘Learning, Achieving and Enjoying Together’
Our Purpose:
The primary purpose of our school is to ensure all our children learn. When children make progress in their learning a sense of achievement and a feeling of satisfaction in a job well done will follow. Enjoyment is a key factor that promotes learning as a lifelong skill that goes beyond just their school days, but supports them well throughout their working lives. Developing together both teamwork and independence is essential to enhance learning, personal and social skills, so that all children one day can play their part in future societies and help shape the world that we will live in.
Our Aims, Values & Expectations:
The primary purpose of our school is to ensure all our children learn. When children make progress in their learning a sense of achievement and a feeling of satisfaction in a job well done will follow. Enjoyment is a key factor that promotes learning as a lifelong skill that goes beyond just their school days, but supports them well throughout their working lives. Developing together both teamwork and independence is essential to enhance learning, personal and social skills, so that all children one day can play their part in future societies and help shape the world that we will live in.
Our Aims, Values and Expectations:
‘Learning and Achieving’ (Quality of Education)
- to provide a high level of learning by developing enquiring minds through stimulating experiences which make us all want to learn more each day.
- to provide a school curriculum which is broad, balanced, coherent, and relevant, that reflects the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum so that the children progress and attain well from their starting points, being well-prepared for the next stage of their education.
- to promote imagination and creative expression through a wide range of opportunities and projects that provide a clear purpose towards 'real-life' learning.
- to establish effective links between the school, home and the wider community which promote aspirations and high expectations that support and enrich the children’s opportunities for learning.
‘Enjoying’ (Behaviour and attitudes)
- to develop independent, motivated and determined children who are confident, flexible, respectful and able to cooperate and collaborate with others, while not being afraid to make mistakes but willing to take risks in their learning by challenging themselves.
- to foster a sense of pride in achievement and a desire to succeed.
‘Together’ (Personal development)
- to create and maintain an inclusive caring community by encouraging a supportive, safe, understanding and considerate environment that fosters kindness, responsibility, trust and teamwork, along with the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different abilities, faiths and beliefs.
- to promote spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development to prepare children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
This Vision will be achieved through the partnership of children, parents, staff, helpers and Governors all working together.
We are very proud of our School and our children’s achievements, if you would like to find out more about us then please phone and make an appointment to visit or e-mail us at admin@takeley-pri.essex.sch.uk.
Below are copies of the three key policies; Curriculum, Assessment and Behaviour which take our vision, our purpose and our aims and set out how we are putting these into practice. The School Improvement Plan (SIP) sets out our key priorities for improvement over the year. This can be found under the 'Statutory Information section' of this website; https://www.takeley-pri.essex.sch.uk/statutory-information/school-development-plan